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Our third deadline hits at the end of the month, and we're definitely enjoying what we've seen and heard of the submissions that have arrived since our last deadline.

If you're contemplating a submission to us this year, do yourself and us a favour by getting it in before our 31 July deadline. You'll make our lives easier as we can get more of the under-the-hood work we do for all submissions off our plates before the really busy period between our final deadline and the festival - and, probably more importantly for you - you'll save some $$$. 

We're enjoying seeing the selection, award nominee and winner announcements coming out of other festivals, and trying to keep across other festival activity that's happening. 

Whether you're currently heading into the northern hemisphere summer or the southern hemisphere winter, there's always plenty going on in the festival spaces. We were particularly excited to see one of our early selections - Taniora Ormsby's short The Great South - among the selections that'll play in the NZIFF, which opens at the end of this month.

We're not especially good at giving ourselves shout-outs, but we'd like to note that our social media channels recently passed a combined 3000 followers. This is hardly a huge number, especially compared with the numbers of some of the creators and shows we get to programme, and it's not really an achievement that's ours. It's down to the people who follow and engage with us - so, if you're among them, Thank You!

We post a few times a week, sharing news of festivals' deadlines and dates, and celebrating news and achievements of creators and titles who've been part of NZ Web Fest and our partner Audio Fiction World Cup and Web Series World Cup festivals.

If you don't already follow us, please dive on down to the links at the bottom of this newsletter and give us a go. 



Team #NZWF24



Every month until August, we roll out a few early selections. 

The following selections are chosen from all the submissions we received before 31 June. 

Let the applause ring out for ...


Returning Actual Play audio series The All Night Society, which was a finalist with us last year

Actual Play video series Hack N Slash

Standalone fiction title Felix: Space Pirate

British fiction series Camlann


NZ MV Under the Wind 

plus four narrative shorts - two from overseas ... Malaysian short Fools of Crisis and Aussie student film Ripe for Change

and two from NZ ... Crescendo (above) and The Polycees 


Animated show A Message to Humanity, from the UK 

A pair of pilots ... Aussie show Poison and NZ show Deadbeat

And a pair of narrative series ... Get Up, Aisha from Canada and Zombie Therapy from Australia

If you've submitted something to us and it's not named as an early selection, despair not! All titles submitted to us are in the selection mix until we announce our full programme line-up in early September. 

Congrats to the teams behind all our early selections. You can now do smugly self-satisfied happy dances,  


Our 2024 selections page is here. We'll keep adding the early selections as they're announced from now until September, so you can keep up to date with what's in (so far). 

Next month, we'll announce some more early selections, chosen from all the submissions received before our Regular deadline. Throw your hat, podcast, short film or web series in the ring at

Good luck!


The northern hemisphere summer is usually a  bit of a lull for screen festivals, which mostly prefer the cooler temperatures and darker nights.  

Spain's Cinema Jove is among the exceptions, and ran 20-29 June with NZ show After the Party in its series line-up. The show came away with three jury awards - for its script (for Dianne Taylor, Sam Shore, Martha Hardy-Ward, Emily Perkins), for actress Robyn Malcolm and director Peter Salmon.

Congrats to them, and also to the makers of short doco The Adventure of Racing. Earlier in the year, we announced it as one of our early selections, and the film has now picked up an award, winning the documentary prize at the NZ Mountain FIlm Festival. 

Coming late this month is the Panama Series Festival, which is pumping out the award nominees announcements via its instagram channel

In early June, the Web Series World Cup published its latest set of rankings via facebook. including all the points awarded out of the first five festivals completed this year - Carballo, Cusco, Die Seriale, LA and Miami.

217 titles from 27 countries are in the running so far, and in the podium positions at the moment are 

#1: Russian dramedy Sasha Counters! (above)

#2: Spanish animated show Historia Mal

#3: a tie between two German shows - 2 Minutes and Becoming Charlie


If you're in the business of documentary and factual content, whether it's podcasts, short films or series, take advantage of our discount - available only until our next deadline on 31 July.

Submit at FilmFreeway and use the code JUSTTHEFACTS

Image is the winner of our 2023 award for NZ Factual Series, season 3 of K' Road Chronicles, an earlier season of which was a winner with us back in 2019 and a fourth season of which is currently in production.


Our regular shout-out for content you might enjoy - suggested not by an algorithm or AI, but by real, breathing humans.

We've been a bit spoilt for choice recently. Part of that is because we're currently doing some judging for other festivals, so we're getting to see and hear lots of stuff that's not previously turned up on our must-enjoy list. 

But, we'll keep to some NZ or NZ-shot shows for now ... the sixth season of Ahikāroa, previous seasons of which have picked up awards from us for the last three years ... the third and final season of Netflix's NZ-shot Sweet Tooth ... and Clickbait & Crutches - a new and "fiercely disabled" webseries. 

All are well worth a gander, so dig in and enjoy! 


We love to give shout-outs to new content in these newsletters and on our socials, but we don't have much time to trawl for it every month. 

If you're releasing something, be it something brand new or a new season, shamelessly self-promote by dropping us a line or adding to your media list if you're fancy and have one of those.

Tell us the what, when and where, and we'll help spread the word. We'll give preference to stuff that isn't geo-blocked or behind pay-walls, but all-comers are welcome :)

If we don't know, we can't share, so do tell us. Help us to help you!


If you're looking for some festival love and laurels, fill your boots :)

Festivals with deadlines coming up before our next newsletter include ...

Yeosu Web Fest, 7 July, final

and us, 31 July, late

Stareable Fest, 2 August, final

Bilbao Seriesland, 4 August, final

Also open for submissions at present are

British Web Awards

BUEIFF Webseries

Hollywood Series

LA 2025







If you enjoy our monthly newsletters, but want info more than once every few weeks, please give our social channels a go (links are just below).

We post a few times a week, mostly to facebook and instagram. Our X is more podcast-focused than our other channels, and LinkedIn and Threads we only use occasionally.

We also have a linktree, which you can find here or access via our instagram bio.

NZ Web Fest

32A Velma Road,
Auckland 0627
New Zealand

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